AI has been an exploding topic recently and the number of AI tools being created increased exponentially.

I’ve yet to see an AI tool that will make me rich, so don’t buy into this if people tell you ChatGPT can make you millions.

But, it’s clear to see how AI can supplement your business and productivity allowing you to make more money as a consequence.

I’m going to share with you 3 AI tools that are now a part of my daily workflow.

1. ChatGPT

This one is obvious so I wanted to get it out the way and this tool is what most of the internet bangs on about.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that was created by OpenAI and they’ve been dominating the AI space for a while.

Pop over to the ChatGPT website, create a free account, and you can start asking this ridiculously powerful AI chatbot anything you want (within reason).

Most people use ChatGPT wrong.

Don’t ask ChatGPT to write out a blog post for you about your topic, or ask it to write a complete product description, because Google will kill your SEO ranking.

With the advent of AI, there has also been a race to develop tools to check for AI-generated content, and they’re keeping up pretty well.

Companies like Google will crawl your content and flag it if it detects a certain percentage of AI involvement, thus dropping your website down further down the search page, until it’s completely out of sight.

This isn’t what I use ChatGPT for. I use it for research, idea generation & validation.

For example, If I’m sat wondering why most people are looking for get-rich-quick schemes, and why they actually fall for them, I’ll ask ChatGPT to show me some scientific research studies linking delayed gratification and money.

The tool will then show me research about the connection between people looking for instant gratification and money vs. those who are willing to delay gratification for a better outcome.

I actually did ask ChatGPT this and the research shows:

Those who go after instant gratification are more likely to experience financial troubles and be in a worse financial position in the future, compared to those who delay gratification.

This has validated my theory, shown me solid research regarding it, and has given me an idea for a future blog post.

Let ChatGPT be your second brain.

2. Opus Clip

Opus clip can take any long-form video and transform it into a short-form.

With apps like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, we’re being conditioned to have the attention span of a fruit fly and we thrive off of quick 60-second dopamine hits.

This is why TikTok’s, Reels & Shorts are doing so well.

Opus clip is able to scan through your video and find the best hooks, or parts of the video that will grab viewers’ attention the most.

The AI will automatically piece together hooks and key highlights in your content, getting rid of all the fluffy stuff, and increasing your chances of virality, which decreases your editing time.

It’s so clever, that it allows you to clip content from the video using just keywords.

AI tools like Opus Clip will save you both time and money.

3. Notion AI

Notion is one of my favorite tools that I recently stumbled upon, and I know many people are already using it to create a smooth workflow and increase productivity.

Did you know it has AI capabilities though?

You can use Notion AI to summarize long pieces of writing, create takeaways from your research topic, analyze your notes to generate action steps, fill in tables with information based on a prompt, and more.

For example, if you asked it to ‘create you a meal plan table for 3 meals a day, and display the calorie count for these meals’ – it would do just that!

You can use it to create guides, comparison tables and create a task list for you based on long-form written content.

The Notion app is amazing by itself but the addition of AI puts it in a league of its own.

Final Thoughts

Remember, when it comes to financial freedom, you don’t just want to make a lot of money. You want a lot of free time to be able to spend that money. You might not even have enough time to work on your business due to work or family commitments. These AI productivity tools will supercharge your productivity and allow you to get more done in the 24 hours you are given each day.

AI isn’t here to replace you. Think of it like a 2nd brain and make it work for you. Like I said at the start, AI won’t make you rich, but it’ll help you be better at whatever you’re already doing.

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